WinZip Self Extractor v4.0.8672 英文正式版(自解壓文件創建軟體)
WinZip 自解壓文件創建工具。
WinZip Self-Extractor creates Windows self-extracting Zip files.
These self-extracting Zip files are ideal for Internet file
distribution because they:
(1) can contain multiple compressed files, minimizing download
time and ensuring that important files do not become separated
from the rest of the package
(2) allow the receiver to use a familiar Windows interface to
decompress files, without owning or knowing how to use a separate
unzip utility
(3) optionally run a "setup" or "installation" program, which may
be included by the developer when the files are decompressed.
WinZip Self-Extractor v3.1.7556 英文正式版(自解壓文件創建工具軟體)
WinZip Pro v16.0.9691 X64 英文正式版(壓縮軟體)
WinZip System Utilities Suite v3.6.0.20 系統優化工具軟體 英文版
WinZip Pro v16.5.10095 X64 英文正式版(壓縮軟體)
WinZip Pro v16.5.10095 英文正式版(壓縮軟體)
WinZip v14.5 Build 9095 繁體中文正式版(檔案壓縮、加密、共用及資料備份軟體)
WinZip Pro 32-64 bit v18.5.11111 系統壓鎖工具軟體 繁體中文版